Section: Dissemination


Ludovic Mé is Professor at Supélec :

  • Master : “Information systems”, 6 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Security policies”, 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection”, 9 hours of lecture, M2 - Master research, Rennes, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection”, 6 hours of lecture, M2 - Master SSI, Université de Limoges, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection”, 8 hours of lecture, M2 - Master Pro SSI, université de Rennes 1, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection”, 9 hours of lecture, M2 - Master SSI, Supélec & Télécom Bretagne, France

  • Master : “Security of information systems”, 12 hours of lecture, M2- post-graduate training (master Architecture des Réseaux de Communication), Supélec, France

  • Master : Ludovic Mé is responsible for the module “Secured information systems”, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : Ludovic Mé is responsible for the module “Security of data and Infrastructure information systems”, M2 - Master research, Rennes, France (until June 2011)

  • Doctorat : “Introduction to security issues in Computer science”, 9 hours of lecture, Université de Rennes 1, Doctoral School Matisse, France.

Christophe Bidan is Professor at Supélec :

  • Licence : “Programming models”, 13 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence : “Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms”, 40 hours including 18 hours of lecture, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Information system”, 6 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Software engineering”, 22 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 9 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Introduction to security threat”, 4.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Cryptography”, 44 hours including 18 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Audit technique Web”, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

Sébastien Gambs is Associate Professor at Université de Rennes 1:

  • Master : “Protection of Privacy”, 32 hours including 16 hours of lectures, M2 - Master Pro SSI, université de Rennes 1, France

  • Master : “Topics on Authentication”, 16 hours of lectures, M2 - Master Pro SSI, université de Rennes 1, France

  • Master : Supervision (50%) of the master thesis of Christophe Potin from February to September

Guillaume Hiet is Associate Professor at Supélec :

  • Licence : “Programming models and languages”, 4 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence : “Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms”, 16 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Introduction to SSI”, 9 hours of lecture, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 9 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Supervision of student project - Computer and electronic”, 1 project, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Security in UNIX/Linux”, 4.5 hours including 1.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection sensors”, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Alert correlation”, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Securing an application vulnerable to buffer overflows”, 8 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Introduction to UNIX/Linux”, 3 hours, M2 - post-graduate training (master Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : “Securing Linux (LDAP authentication, ACL and disk encryption)”, 6 hours, M2 - post-graduate training (master Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : “Security of Passwords”, 3 hours, M2 - post-graduate training (master Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : “Security of Java”, 3 hours, M2 - post-graduate training (master Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection sensors”, 3 hours, M2 - post-graduate training (master Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : “Preparation for the ICTF competition in computer security”, 12 hours, M2 - post-graduate training (master Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master : “Securing UNIX/Linux”, 7 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training CQP, Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection”, 10 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training CQP, Supélec, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection (Introduction)”, 20 hours including 8 hours of lecture, M2 - Master Pro SSI, université de Rennes 1, France

  • Master : “Intrusion detection (Introduction)”, 10 hours including 4 hours of lecture, M2 - ESIR (Ecole supérieure d'ingénieur de Rennes), Université de Rennes 1, France

  • Supervision (100%) of the master thesis (and engineering internship) of Mounir Assaf (Supélec) from February to September

  • Supervision (50%) of the master thesis of Vincent Laporte (ENS) from February to June

Michel Hurfin contributes to the transfer of knowledge towards students :

  • Master : “Distributed protocols”, 7.5 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training (master Architecture des Réseaux de Communication), Supélec, France

Guillaume Piolle is Associate Professor at Supélec :

  • Licence : “Models and programming languages”, 9 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence : “Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms”, 18 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence : “Software engineering”, 18 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “C++ /Qt”, 12 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Network access protection”, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Web technologies”, 8.25 hours, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

  • Master : “Privacy and data protection on Internet”, 9 hours, M2 - post-graduate training, URFIST Ouest (Unité Régionale de Formation à l'Information Scientifique et Technique) – Université Rennes 2, France.

  • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 9 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

Nicolas Prigent is Associate Professor at Supélec :

    • Licence : “Programming”, 20 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Network programming”, 15 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Network programming”, 11 hours, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Programming and data bases”, 15 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Computer security”, 4 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Programming”, 6 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Operating systems”, 12 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Computer science (computability and complexity)”, 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Operating systems (MS Windows)”, 2 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Data bases”, 3 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Security”, 17 hours including 9 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

    Eric Totel is Associate Professor at Supélec :

    • Licence : “Models and programming languages”, 19.5 hours including 10.5 hours of lecture, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Licence : “Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms”, 6 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Computer systems' architecture”, 30 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “C language”, 24 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - master SSI (Sécurité des systèmes d'information), Supélec, France

    • Master : “C language”, 12 hours including 3 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training (master Architecture des Réseaux de Communication), Supélec, France

    • Master : “C language and C++ language”, 12 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Description and specification languages”, 12 hours including 3 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training (master Architecture des Réseaux de Communication), Supélec, France

    • Master : “Dependability”, 6 hours including 4.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree and master research, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Dependability”, 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree (ingénierie des systèmes automatisés), Supélec, France

    • Master : “Dependability”, 4.5 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training (master Architecture des Réseaux de Communication), Supélec, France

    • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 4 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 1 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    Frédéric Tronel is Associate Professor at Supélec :

    • Licence : “LISP”, 3 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Licence : “Software engineering”, 18 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Operating systems”, 10.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master: “Compilation”, 21 hours including 9 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Computation and automated reasoning”, 6 hours including 4.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Knowledge of the threat: buffer overflow attack”, 15 hours including 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Knowledge of the threat: buffer overflow attack”, 12 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Télécom Bretagne, France

    • Master : “Theory and practice of firewalls”, 6 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Theory and practice of firewalls”, 4.5 hours, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Theory and practice of firewalls”, 3 hours, M2 - master SSI (Sécurité des systèmes d'information), Supélec, France

    • Master : “Tools for virtualization of operating systems”, 1.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Tools for virtualization of operating systems”, 1.5 hours of lecture, M2 - post-graduate training, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Linux for embedded systems”, 9 hours including 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Computability in distributed systems”, 7.5 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 Master research Rennes, France

    Valérie Viet Triem Tong is Associate Professor at Supélec :

    • Licence : “Programming”, 9h, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : ”Computer security”, 13h30 hours including 4h30 of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Game Theory”, 20h of lecture, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Foundations of computer science”, 10h30 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Spontaneous networking”, 3h hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : “Supervision of student project”, 4 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

    • Master : Valérie Viet Triem Tong is responsible for the module “Security of data and Infrastructure information systems”, M2 - Master research, Rennes, France (since September 2011)

    • Master : “Supervision of student training”, 1 training period (6 months), M2 - Supélec, France

    Four PhD defenses in 2011 and eleven thesis in progress:

    • PhD : Mohamed Ali Ayachi, “Contributions à la détection de comportements malhonnêtes dans les réseaux ad hoc AODV par analyse de la confiance implicite”, université de Rennes 1, February 24th 2011, supervised by Christophe Bidan and Nicolas Prigent.

    • PhD : Jean-Marie Borello, “Etude du métamorphisme viral : modélisation, conception et détection”, université de Rennes 1, April 1st 2011, supervised by Ludovic Mé (90%) and Eric Filiol (10% - ESIEA Laval).

    • PhD Jonathan Christopher Demay, “Génération et évaluation de mécanismes de détection des intrusions au niveau applicatif”, Supélec, July 1st 2011, supervised by Ludovic Mé, Eric Totel, and Frédéric Tronel.

    • PhD : Izabela Moise, “Efficient Agreement Protocols for Asynchronous Distributed Systems (Des protocoles d'accord efficaces pour des systèmes répartis asynchrones)”, université de Rennes 1, December 12th 2011, supervised by Michel Hurfin (70%) and Jean-Pierre Le Narzul (30% - Télécom Bretagne).

    • PhD in progress : Radoniaina Andriatsimandefitra, “Protection de l'information dans l'environnement Android”, started in October 2011, supervised by Ludovic Mé (20%) and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (80%).

    • PhD in progress : Mounir Assaf, “Vérification de propriétés de sécurité par analyse statique sur des programmes C de grande taille”, started in November 2011, supervised by Ludovic Mé (20%), Eric Totel (40%), and Frédéric Tronel (40%).

    • PhD in progress : Georges Bossert, “Méthodologie d'évaluation des systèmes de détection d'intrusions”, started in October 2010, supervised by Ludovic Mé (20%) and Guillaume Hiet (80%).

    • PhD in progress : Olivier Ferrand, “Contournements des anti-virus et protection contre ces contournements”, started in June 2011, supervised by Eric Filiol (50% - ESIEA Laval) and Ludovic Mé (50%).

    • PhD in progress : Stéphane Geller, “Administration de politiques de sécurité reposant sur le contrôle des flux d'information”, started in October 2009, supervised by Ludovic Mé (20%) and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (80%).

    • PhD in progress : Ahmed Gmati, “Redefining the concept of privacy in privacy-preserving data mining”, started in December 2010, supervised by Sébastien Gambs (50%) and Michel Hurfin (50%).

    • PhD in progress : Geoffroy Guéguen, “Métamorphisme viral et grammaires formelles”, université de Rennes 1, started in March 2011, supervised by Sébastien Josse (50% - ESIEA Laval) and Ludovic Mé (50%).

    • PhD in progress : Christophe Hauser, “Détection d'intrusions dans les systèmes distribués”, started in October 2009, in coordination with Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia (Prof. Andrew Clarck), supervised bu Ludovic Mé (20%) and Frédéric Tronel (80%).

    • PhD in progress : Christopher Humphries, “Visualisation d'évènements de sécurité”, started in December 2011, supervised by Christophe Bidan (20%) and Nicolas Prigent (80%).

    • PhD in progress : Regina Marin, “Privacy protection in distributed social networks (Protection de la vie privé dans les réseaux sociaux distribués”, started in November 2011, supervised by Christophe Bidan (20%) and Guillaume Piolle (80%).

    • PhD in progress : Thomas Demongeot, “Protection des données utilisateur dans les web services“, Telecom Bretagne, started in September 2008, supervised by Eric Totel (50%) and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (50%).

    Some members of the team also participate to the supervision of external PhD students. Sébastien Gambs is co-supervising Ai Thanh Ho (PhD student from the Université de Montréal, Canada), Mohammad Nabil Al-Aggan (PhD student from ASAP, INRIA Rennes), Miguel Nunez del Prado Cortez (PhD student from LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse), and Moussa Traore (PhD student from LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse). Christophe Bidan and Nicolas Prigent are co-supervising Akli Redjedal (PhD student from CIDER/IRISA, Rennes).

    Some members of the team have participated to PhD committees:

    • Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Thibault Cholez entitled “Supervision des réseaux pair à pair structurés appliquée à la sécurité des contenus”, université Henri Poincaré Nancy, June 2011.

    • Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Sophie Gastellier-Prevost entitled “Vers une détection des attaques de phishing et pharming côté client”, Télécom SudParis, November 2011.

    • Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee for the PhD of Samer Wazan entitled “Gestion de la confiance dans les infrastructures à clés publiques”, université de Toulouse - IRIT, December 2011.

    • Christophe Bidan was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Claire Sondès Larafa entitled “Services AAA dans les réseaux ad hoc mobiles”, Télécom SudParis, October 2011.

    • Michel Hurfin was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Adrienne Tankeu Choitat entitled “Approches outillées pour le développement des systèmes interactifs intégrant les aspects sûreté de fonctionnement et utilisabilité”, université de Toulouse - IRIT, December 2011.

    Knowledge dissemination is also an objective of the team:

    • Ludovic Mé gave an invited talk entitled “Pourquoi nos logiciels sont-ils vulnérables ?” during the “Assises nationales de la recherche stratégique” organized by the CSFRS (Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégiques) in June 2011 in Paris.

    • Ludovic Mé gave an invited talk entitled “Software and Networks Vulnerabilities: Why?” during the Session Internationale Asie Moyen-Orient (SIAMO) organized by “l'institut des hautes études de défense nationale (IHEDN)” in November 2011 in Paris.

    • To prepare the forthcoming introduction of a new teaching speciality entitled “Informatique et Sciences du Numérique (ISN)” in high schools, Sebastien Gambs and Nicolas Prigent trained teachers and taught a course on the security topic.

    • Sébastien Gambs has participated to the event “à la découverte de la recherche” (7 interventions in high schools)

    • Under the supervision of the association “Math.en.Jeans”, Sébastien Gambs has interacted with high school students of Rennes and Auray about the topic “definition and quantification of anonymity”.

    In January 2011, Guillaume Piolle has been awarded by the Commission nationale de l'informatique et des libertés (CNIL). His thesis entitled “Agents utilisateurs pour la protection des données personnelles : modélisation logique et outils informatiques” ( Université Jean Fourier de Grenoble) has received the prize “CNIL informatique et libertés, mention spéciale du jury”.